Gout flare prophylaxis starts with colchicine, but treatment can be challenging2,4-6

Colchicine 0.6 mg
daily + ULT for at
least 6 months
is well established1,4,6,7

Colchicine has
a narrow
therapeutic window
and may be toxic in
high-risk populations2,4,8-10

Patients with renal impairment
or GI sensitivity have
difficulty tolerating
colchicine 0.6 mg daily—
especially older patients2,11-14
ULT = urate lowering therapy.
Precision dosing can help avoid toxicity
Decreasing the daily dose by just 0.1 mg can make a big difference in toxicity2,3,15

Colchicine 0.3 mg daily may be just right3,15

*Consensus Statement on Long-Term Low-Dose Colchicine in Gout and Cardiovascular Disease; American Journal of Medicine.
In patients with GI sensitivity:
Colchicine 0.6 mg may be too high2,10
GI toxicity is the most common adverse reaction reported with colchicine1,10-12
Many factors can exacerbate GI toxicity:
Lower doses of colchicine are associated with lower risk of Gl toxicity2,17
Current dose reduction strategies may lead to the risk of over- or under-dosing, compromising efficacy and safety3,15